Artificial Flowers & Plants - Realistic plastic and silk flowers
Faux Ficus Tree / Canopy Tree 270cm Purchase or Hire
T0051 Real Bamboo Stick with Real Touch Leaves 200-240cm
T0100 French Ficus Real Touch Leaves 175cm / 220cm
T0109 Fan Palm (set of 3) 300-220-170cm
T0110 Phoenix Palm (set of 3) 300-220-170cm
T0127 Premium Phoenix Palm 280cm Real Trunk
T0128 Fan Palm (Chamaerops) 280cm
T0129 Phoenix Palm 280cm with Coconut
T0184 Cordyline Fruticosa Tree / Ti Plant 140cm | 170cm
T0186 Angel's Trumpet / Brugmansia Arborea with Orange Flowers 100cm / 140cm